California Professor Who Started Wildfires and Tried to Trap Firefighters Predicted Trump Would ‘Get Violent’ If He Lost 2020 Election

by Debra Heine


Dr. Gary Maynard, the California professor allegedly behind a number of wildfires raging in Northern California, who is accused of intentionally trying to trap fire crews with his fires, is an anti-Trumper who said in an interview last November that President Trump suffered from Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and could become violent and destructive in response to defeat.

“Donald Trump’s lack of or unwillingness to self-reflect in order to self-improve, and his lack of empathy while being threatened with his first major, public, political and personal defeat, might activate a sense of the need for the use of violence, violent protests by his supporters or outright sabotage of the nation by locking down the economy or some other major act to damage the nation before he is forced to leave office, if he loses,” Maynard told left-wing journalist Charles Krause, who writes for The Globalist.

The journalist posted his interview of Maynard, accompanied by grotesque caricatures of Trump, on his blog, Art Profiler.

Maynard compared Trump to the maniacal cult leader Jim Jones, who in 1978 ordered the mass murder-suicide of 918 Jonestown commune members, 304 of them children. The cult members died after drinking Flavor Aid laced with cyanide. The accused arsonist said that Trump “may become the first president to be forcibly arrested and removed from the White House.”

“Dr. Maynard explains what to look for in Trump, as the President reacts to his defeat—and how best to avert an irrational act of retribution with potentially far greater consequences and loss of life than Jonestown, between now and Trump’s last day in office two months from now,” Krause wrote in the piece’s introduction.

Maynard, 47, has taught at colleges in New York and California, including as an adjunct lecturer in the Sociology department at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California.

Last Fall, he taught in the criminology and criminal justice department at Sonoma State University, which says in its official bio for Maynard that he graduated from Bowling Green State University, University of Alaska Fairbanks and Stony Brook University, and one of his focuses has been in environmental sociology.

The corporate media have made a point of linking the wildfires to climate change.

As we now know, the fires were started by Maynard, although his sinister motive has not yet been determined, or at least publicized.

“Where Maynard went, fires started. Not just once, but over and over again,” federal prosecutors said in a court memorandum arguing for Maynard to be denied bail.

Maynard wanted firefighters to die in the fires he caused.

“He entered the evacuation zone and began setting fires behind the first responders fighting the Dixie fire,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Sacramento said in court papers. It added, “Maynard’s fires were placed in the perfect position to increase the risk of firefighters being trapped between fires.”

While court documents allege that Maynard is connected to more than a half-dozen dangerous fires in Northern California, he is currently charged with starting only the Ranch Fire. That blaze broke out on Saturday morning, in a remote area where, according to court records, Maynard had just camped for the night. It’s one of three fires officials say Maynard set in recent days — all of them very close to the Dixie Fire’s northeastern footprint.

“He entered the evacuation zone and began setting fires behind the first responders fighting the Dixie fire,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Sacramento said in court papers. It added, “Maynard’s fires were placed in the perfect position to increase the risk of firefighters being trapped between fires.”

Maynard’s alleged offenses “show that he is particularly dangerous, even among arsonists,” the federal prosecutors said.

Ironically, last November, Maynard was concerned about President Trump’s alleged propensity for violence.

“With vain malignant narcissism – if they brood and burn up in quiet desperation as their power slips away, that is when they decide to say ‘Fuck it – let’s go out and take out those who harmed and sabotaged and betrayed me.’” the professor told Krause.

“The QAnon people really, really worry me, that they will see this as the last hour of their movement where they must act to save the world from the communist Democratic party, the one-world government, and the demonic child sex cult that is running the world,” Maynard added.

“Donald will NOT stay quiet or stay still or play nice,” the projecting leftist concluded. “The question then becomes will he get violent or spur on violence? Because he does not care if he ruins the peace and safety of the US society.”

In a sickening and ironic twist, Krause’s post featured a cartoon by Jim Boden called “Götterdämmerun,” a German word for a turbulent ending of a regime or an institution. The picture shows Trump hovering over a building engulfed in flames.

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Debra Heine is a reporter for American Greatness.






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One Thought to “California Professor Who Started Wildfires and Tried to Trap Firefighters Predicted Trump Would ‘Get Violent’ If He Lost 2020 Election”

  1. Mopogo

    I used to wonder why the educated class were the first culled in a societal reset-no I see why.
